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software assisted solar pv design

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Webinars and Tutorials

Tutorial: First Steps to design a 3D PV system

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Tutorial: Design a fast PV system using Google Earth data

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Tutorial: Polystring Connections & Power Optimizers

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Tutorial: Model your building with Sketchup Make and PV*SOL

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Tutorial: Extract Google Earth 3D models with Pix4D and PV*SOL

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Solar Calculator?

In order to stay competitive in this market and keep costs down you need an efficient tool to carry out quick and accurate calculations. There are a number of designers using more than one tool to do the design, calculation, simulation, cabling, and final proposal that it is needed in order to present a reliable offer to the client. However, this is inefficient and problematic. And more importantly, it slows down the job.

Ideally, professionals are looking to unify the work by using only one tool. That is why choosing the right software for you is key, and maximizing the capabilities of the software you decide to acquire, should also be at the top of your list.


So, not only using a solar software is of importance as a professional in the solar market, but the type of solar software you choose in order to detect the best scenario for the system design.

Now, it goes without saying, you are looking for a tool to make the job more efficient, that is, smart use of the time, quick data entry, clear and graphic information, a well maintained database, options to customize, real data for your location and others.

Very important for your client, as you already know, is the maximization of the results. The bigger the system, the higher the production. But that is normally not the case. We have a limited space and the job is to maximize the result that system can produce. For that, no doubt you need a professional software that takes into account the orientation and inclination of the panels, the shading, the pollution, the climate date.

Another great reason to search for a solar software is the final presentation. The proposal you present to your client in order to sell your design. This step is currently gotten more important. Not all your clients understand the technology behind PV. That is why your presentation needs to include graphic information, real images, comprehensive technical data as well as financial results, such as individual costs, credit, taxes, incentives, payback time and so on.

Every minute that passes this market becomes more competitive with the growth of potential customer base and more sensitive and conscious citizens in thriving markets.

Solar professionals are stepping up their game with great software technology.

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Saving the world at work

In this line of work, you contribute your part making the world a better place. Innovative and smart solutions are leading the top sustainable initiatives in the world. Companies working in the solar energy field, tend to be more responsible in their business practices. Reducing, Recycling, Reusing in order to cut down in the amount of waste generated in a company or public institution. Practices such as engaging with partners or suppliers with environmental values, rewarding employees that use public transportation or bike to get to work. Social practices, such as equality, empowerment of people and communities. With all that, no doubt you positively affect your community, and in extension the world.

We all want to be able to meet today’s business needs, without negatively impacting tomorrow’s needs.
Think about it! Working with a software makes your job cleaner, more efficient, reliable, consistent and powerful. Encouraging customers to go solar, will lower emissions, and send a positive message to their neighborhood and other businesses. And, it is a smart investment.

A solar software is a potent tool that can and does change the world and if we work together we can save the world by using solar energy, reducing emissions and pollution, making off grid communities have a source and supply, creating jobs, growing the economy without decreasing or ending natural resources, educating the youth towards a career in environmental science. A solar software is a tool that provides the data, results, information, analysis, insight that can allow us to make a smart use of the energy, it helps us setting our daily routines. It provides valuable information to families, communities, companies, countries. And you, as a solar expert are part of the team! Welcome to the solar software revolution!

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Getting Solar Right

The sun shines pretty much every day, every place in Earth. Even if it’s a little cloudy, rains or snows or there is pollution, we can generate solar energy. Because we, all the solar industry together, have developed the technology to overcome all obstacles making solar energy a reliable and affordable source, accessible to everybody in every part of the world. It is our job to continue this journey with the best research, technology, information, tools and teams.

Optimize design configurations, create realistic assessments and calculations for the specific site, system layout, generate energy forecasts and help you test different variables for the system as well as different parameters and products to compare from.

A solar software can help you finding the ideal direction and position of the panels, how the shading affects your system, how objects, trees, buildings around interfere with the system.

A solar software can also provide a proposal that your client can understand. A proposal that includes images, tables, data… to support the decision.

A solar software should also be flexible and adapt to your needs so that you can modify settings, add data and products as well as tariffs, fees, prices, costs. The financial analysis is essential for your client.

Our goal can’t be other but to fulfil the world's energy needs. It is also about making your business profitable and sustainable in the solar industry. We want to be able to approach clients, students, governments, nonprofits with the best knowledge available. There is big interest in what solar energy can do for people, whether we talk about families, business or public institutions, they are all struggling with electrical bills, the raising of the prices and the negative effects in the environment among others. We need professionals and experts in this field, excited to offer the technical and financial solutions these communities are looking for.

Let’s get clients, students, governments, nonprofits great solutions, latest technology. We need to be able to explain how solar works, how we will get it right, how this will benefit their communities. We need to be ready. We have to have the answers and solutions. We need to work hand on hand to make the solar energy revolution happen.

A solar software is key to get the job right. Accuracy, efficiency, comparative, simulations, real data for your location, databases, graphics, data table, what to expect, financial analysis… you name it.

Getting solar right implicates everyone understands the importance of a job well done. Installers, designers, software developers, customers, public institutions work together with this goal in mind.

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Our sales and technical team are available to you via chat, email, forum, telephone and live webinar. We often come up with new video tutorials to help you get started with PV*SOL and to make sure you know all the features available in the program.

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